Utbudsgala på Malmö Opera
Kristine is a soloist in a concert presenting Malmö Opera’s 2025/2026 season along with other talented colleagues!
January 26th at 4pm
January 27th at 4 pm
Ticket required.
Kristine is a soloist in a concert presenting Malmö Opera’s 2025/2026 season along with other talented colleagues!
January 26th at 4pm
January 27th at 4 pm
Ticket required.
On the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we will be performing Mozarts Requiem in S:t Johanneskyrkan in Malmö.
Kristine Nowlain, soprano
Matilda Paulsson, mezzo
Martin Vanberg, tenor
Henning von Schulman, bass
Christian Schulze, conductor
S:t Johannes Kammarkör
Orkester med musiker ur MSO, mfl
Kristine together with pianist Annika Bjelk and violinist Inga Zeppezauer will guest Klubb Krinolin At Grand Malmö with some of their favorite pieces composed by women from the Swedish, English and French repertoires in their program titled Élève-toi: Sånger om oss
Enjoy a bite to eat, a tasty cocktail or a cold glass of beer while we perform!
Kristine is playing the role of Irene in the world premier of this new opera with music by Lars Ljungberg and Maria Sundqvist’s libretto based on Anders Duus’ play by the same name. Direction is by Mia Ringblom Hjertner.
Read more here!
Kristine will sing in the New Year’s Eve mass along with Ilnara Lundström, piano and organ in S:t Nikolai Church in Trelleborg.
Kristine will sing bright and early on Christmas morning in S:t Johannes Church together with Hampus Söndrebo on organ.
Kristine will sing together with Gabriella Sjögren på piano och orgel in Midnight Mass at Kirseberg’s Church.
Kristine will play the role of Augusta in Magnus Johanssons opera Snösystern, based on the book by the same name.
Read more here.
Kristine is the soprano soloist i Faure’s Requiem in S:t Andreas Church, Malmö
Kristine Nowlain, soprano
Sebastian Durán, baritone
Anders Johnsson, conductor
S:t Nicolai kyrka, Trelleborgs församling
Ilnara Lundström, piano and organ
Kristine will participate in the competition in Norrköping, which takes place on June 10-17th.
Read more here.
Kristine is one of 6 finalists in the Hjördis Schymberg Tävling in Sundsvall, Sweden. Nordiska Kammarorkestern will be accompanying the concert, conducted by Damian Iorio.
The other finalists are Josefine Mindus, Rebecka Wallroth, Eldrid Gorset, Minna Tägil and Zaza Gagua.
The jury is made up of Inger Dam-Jensen, Ingebjörg Kosmo, Hillevi Martinpelto, Petteri Salomaa and Patrik Ringborg.
Read more below or here.
Totalt inkom 100 bidrag till årets tävling. Av dessa valde den nordiska juryn ut 20 semifinalister som fick skicka in nya inspelningar, och slutligen valdes fem finalister ut. Dessa finalister plus en av finalisterna från 2022 som stoppades från att tävla på grund av covid, tävlar i Schymberg Awards finalkväll i Tonhallen, Sundsvall lördag 24 februari 18:00. Damian Iorio dirigerar Nordiska Kammarorkestern och var och en finalisterna framför två operaarior. Den nordiska juryn – fyra etablerade sångare och en dirigent från de nordiska länderna - utser två stipendiater som belönas med 50 000 kr respektive 25 000 kr.
Kristine will be singing the role of Emma in Vinteryra with music by Rusty Magee and libretto by Billy Aronson. Swedish translation by Jonas Forssell.
FLURRY TALE (in Swedish: Vinteryra) was commissioned by American Opera Project's Family Opera Initiative and is an opera for the whole family, from ages 5 and up.
Premier: December 16, 2023
Read more here!
MUSIK Rusty Magee
LIBRETTO Billy Aronson
DIRIGENT Andreas Eriksson Hjort
REGI Marie Parker Shaw
LJUSDESIGN Patrik Bogårdh
LJUDDESIGN John Johansson
PAPPAN Anton Ljungqvist
RENEN Annie Fredriksson
EMMA Kristine Nowlain
TOMTEN Rickard Söderberg
SNÖGUBBEN Magnus Lindegård
NALLEN Polly Ericsson
ROBOTEN Fred Kalulanga
SPISEN Anna Sasiadek
SNURRAN Oliver Palm Torres
RINGARNA Anna Stenman
Kristine will be the soprano soloist in Mozart’s Requiem with Linköpings Symphony Orchestra.
Read more and purchase tickets here!
Soprano soloist in Fauré's Requiem in St Johanneskyrka, Malmö.
Kristine Nowlain, soprano
Nils Gustén, barytone
Christian Schultze, conductor
More info here.
Mozart’s Requiem in Nacka Kyrka - Concerts at 3pm and 5pm.
Kristine Nowlain, soprano
Anna Zander, mezzo
Conny Thimander, tenor
Olle Persson, baritone
Per Rönnblom and Maja Wåhlin, conductors
Musicians from the Royal Swedish Orchestra. More info here.
Kristine is singing the role of Vita in the world premier of the opera “Det Långa Seklet” with music by Andrea Tarrodi and libretto by Helena Röhr.
Performances: October 13, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 27 at Bastionen, Malmö. Buy tickets here.
November 10 at Ystad Teater. Buy tickets here.
Freebird Opera presenterar “Det långa seklet” - en nyskriven kammaropera i två akter med musik av den internationellt hyllade kompositören Andrea Tarrodi. Libretto och regi av Malmöregissören och dramatikern Helena Röhr. Urpremiär på Bastionen i Malmö 13 oktober 2023.
I “Det långa seklet” följer vi huvudpersonen Vita på hennes vandring genom 100 år av ett Sverige i förändring. Från när svenska kvinnor fick rösträtt år 1921, till den ovissa nutidens och framtidens möjligheter. Den drömlika resan i många skepnader gestaltas av fem operasångare och fem musiker i en poetisk, sjungen vandring. Det är en berättelse om en kvinna som representerar många kvinnor: De vars arbete har burit Sverige framåt som nation och samhälle, samtidigt som de har burit fram sig själva genom sorg och kärlek, arbete, fest och kamp.
Sopran: Kristine Nowlain
Mezzosopran: Francine Vis
Mezzosopran: Paula Hoffman
Tenor: Mathias Hedegaard
Bas: Joel Kyhle
Vindla String Quartet
Fia Forslund, slagverk
Malmö Musikhögskolas Damkör
Konstnärligt team:
Kompositör: Andrea Tarrodi
Librettist: Helena Röhr
Regissör och rum: Helena Röhr
Ljusdesigner: Amanda Lebert
Kostymdesigner: Åsa Gjerstad
Producent: Thomasine Boris-Möller
Målning: Angelica Markén
Föreställningen görs med stöd av Kulturrådet, Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Sveriges Författarfond, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Musik i Syd och Ystad kommun
A chamber music concert with Inga Zeppezauer, violin and Annika Bjelk, piano.
Music by Rebecca Clarke, Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Elfrida Andrée m.fl.
Made possible with support by Kulturrådet and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse.
A chamber music concert with Inga Zeppezauer, violin and Annika Bjelk, piano. Arranged in collaboration with Malmö Opera and Svaneholms Slott.
Music by Rebecca Clarke, Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Elfrida Andrée m.fl. More info to come!
Made possible with support by Kulturrådet and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse.
Kristine will be the soprano soloist in this beautiful piece of music.
A chamber music concert with Inga Zeppezauer, violin and Annika Bjelk, piano.
Music by Rebecca Clarke, Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Elfrida Andrée m.fl. Read more here.
Made possible with support by Kulturrådet and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse.
Kristine will sing the role of Augusta in the premier of Snösystern by Magnus Johansson.
A family opera for ages 8 and up.
Read more here.
Kristine is the soprano soloist in the performance piece “Min totala njutning” at Lilith Studios.
Text: Daniel Mårs
Music: Philip Gleisner
Performance dates: November 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19th, from 7-10pm at Lilith Studios, Malmö.
Read more here.
A chamber music concert with Inga Zeppezauer, violin and Annika Bjelk, piano.
Music by Rebecca Clarke, Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Elfrida Andrée m.fl.
Ängelholms Kyrka
Made possible with support by Kulturrådet and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse.
Kristine is singing the role of Trasmaja in L.J. Werle’s opera Väntarna.
A family opera for ages 3 and up.
Read more here.
Kristine Nowlain, soprano
Mathilda Bryngelsson, mezzo-soprano
Robert Bennesh, organ
Lund’s Cathedral (Domkyrkan i Lund)
Kristine sings the role of “High Priestess” in Verdi’s Aida at Opera Hedeland.
For tickets and info visit https://operahedeland.dk/
Kristine sings the role of “High Priestess” in Verdi’s Aida at Opera Hedeland.
For tickets and info visit https://operahedeland.dk/
A chamber music concert with Inga Zeppezauer, violin and Annika Bjelk, piano.
Music by Rebecca Clarke, Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Elfrida Andrée m.fl.
Allhelgona Kyrkan, Lund
Made possible with support by Kulturrådet and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse
Kristine sings the role of “High Priestess” in Verdi’s Aida at Opera Hedeland.
For tickets and info visit https://operahedeland.dk/
Kristine is one of five singers to be part of the world premier of Drømmedøden with NordicOpera. Music is by Josefine Opsahl with a libretto by Merete Pryds Helle and direction by Michaela Granit. Other singers are: Elsebeth Dreisig, Francine Vis, Sebastian Durán and Steffen Bruun.
Dates for tour:
Esbjerg Opera, Denmark: May 8th and May 9th
Folkoperan, Stockholm: May 19th, 20th and 22nd
The Royal Danish Playhouse, Copenhagen: May 29th and 30th, June 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th
Halland Opera and Vocal Festival, Halmstad: June 19th
Kalmar Slott, Kalmar: June 28th and 29th
Kristine is one of five singers to be part of the world premier of Drømmedøden with NordicOpera. Music is by Josefine Opsahl with a libretto by Merete Pryds Helle and direction by Michaela Granit. Other singers are: Elsebeth Dreisig, Francine Vis, Sebastian Durán and Steffen Bruun.
Dates for tour:
Esbjerg Opera, Denmark: May 8th and May 9th
Folkoperan, Stockholm: May 19th, 20th and 22nd
The Royal Danish Playhouse, Copenhagen: May 29th and 30th, June 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th
Halland Opera and Vocal Festival, Halmstad: June 19th
Kalmar Slott, Kalmar: June 28th and 29th