It is time to play!! I have come to understand how engrained it is in me to approach the things I do with a furrowed brow and a tone of seriousness. I can trace it to early in high school, when a variety of roles were placed on me by my education before I could understand them in myself. It suddenly became a fight to continue showing them what I thought they saw in me to have some sort of identity to cling to. Even through college, I approached my activities with a furrowed brow of seriousness that weighed heavily on the process and surely affected the result. Everything I did had so much significance that I did not know how to get anything done unless it meant huge things. Now I see how that approach weighs me down and prevents me from creating, from finding my natural flow and from letting myself be me. How cheesy it sounds, but it is so true! Now I want a wrinkle-free forehead and I am determined to have awesome outcomes! The TED talk I've posted below is part of my process of inspiration to approach life more playfully. I fully believe that play can still produce concrete, quality, innovative and creative products/outcomes. In fact, I think the outcomes will be even better with aspects of play and lightness! It's a process, I know, so compassion will be key. Here we go![ted id=483]